Saturday, January 17, 2009牛博网) was shut down on 1.9

I was wondering why I cannot connect to it after I get back from my wonderful trip. It turns out that it's because bullog is not a good boy, too rebellious and like talking bad things of XX nanny, so XX nanny put him into a small black room and imply the rest of the world this is because bullog speak dirty.

click here(Chinese) for the reaction from LaoLuo(老罗).

click here(English) for a brief report from TIME.

I googled LaoLuo(老罗) and didn't find the English wiki for him(guess he is still not famous enough =P), just Chinese version. I have taken his class in New Oriental English School when preparing for GRE. He is a good teacher and he has deep thoughts(from the Chinese wiki):

* 对中国制式教育的批评——他认为目前中国的制式教育对青少年害大于利;
criticize on the Chinese education -- he thinks its disadvantage is more than advantage to Chinese young generation.
* 对暂住制度的批评——他认为在一个国家领土范围内,自由迁徙是公民的基本权利;一个人在自己祖国的土地上被要求“暂”住是荒谬的;
* 对“独立思考”的呼吁和对理想主义人生观的推崇——他认为中国的年轻人不应该放弃独立思考,不应该“为了乡愿或利益而放弃基本是非原则”或“放弃自己经过独立思考认为正确的事情”,不应该放弃对于“自由、民主、公正、法制、宽容”的社会信念和追求。他强调“愤世嫉俗”与犬儒主义的区别,认为一个坚持理想的人应该抱有不可动摇的乐观态度和人生勇气;
claim for "thinking independently". -- he thinks Chinese young people should not give up thinking independently, should not give up the basic principles or the right things after independent thinking for benefits, should not give up the pursuing of "freedom, democracy, fairness, legal system and forgiveness". He thinks a person with dream should have optimism and courage.
* 对民族主义和盲目民族神圣化的不认同 —— 他称自己“骨子里是一个国际主义者”,认为一个人是否爱国纯属个人情感选择,民族情感必须以公正、理性、人道为前提,每个人必须尊重别人的情感选择。
criticize on blind patriotism -- he claim himself is a internationalist. He thinks that whether a person love his/her country is a personal choice. Patriotism should be always after fairness, ration and humanity. Everyone should respect other's emotion choice.
* 对伪科学的激烈反对 —— 他认为中国传统医学的经验体系从没有自成科学体系,因此自称“科学”的所谓“中医”是伪科学;主张废除中医。
* 对中国媒体大面积职业道德沦丧的谴责和讽刺;
criticize on the wrong doing of Chinese media, saying they don't have professional responsibility.
* 对文坛中一些故弄玄虚、空洞浮华文风的讽刺;
* 对中国文艺界一些形式主义、僵化空洞的作风的嘲讽——他对中国中央电视台一些节目进行过幽默的嘲讽。
criticize on the current Chinese literatures and arts field, saying they are formalism, stubborn and meaningless.


Unknown said...


HF said...

我想到林语堂的一句话,“中国就有这么一群奇怪的人, 本身是最底阶层, 利益每天都在被损害,却具有统治阶级的意识。在动物世界里找这么弱智的东西都几乎不可能。”

Claire said...

Sometimes I am wondering is it because the traditional Chinese culture(and people still think it's right today) regards "忠孝" as a merit. Even XX party does not exist, because this thought has been last for thousands of years in China.

I never get it. Isn't it a tool for the government to train its people as its blank-mind slaves?