Thursday, January 8, 2009


Boston is the best city of my east coast trip~~

It is clean&tidy. People are so nice(We were just looking at the map, and they offered help voluntarily). Public transportation is convenient. And you don't need to worry about get robbed while walking along streets at night. =) The pic is where my friend lives, Parker Hill.

We've tried 3 Boston's food, seafood pasta(lobster), pastry and clam chowder soup. The seafood pasta is tasty, I never liked pasta very much, since I thought it's just another kind of noodles -____-. But this one is good, and probably the reason is that there are more lobster, fish and oyster in it than noodles... So at the end, the things I liked are still not pasta... I liked the fish best, I didn't find lobster taste much better than shrimp and oyster is okay. The pastry is bad.. we went to a one called "Mike's pastry". It is highly reviewed on google map. I don't like the cream at all, since they are really thick.. Clam chowder soup is okay(I don't like creamy soup-.-), but putting it in a bread bowl is funny, and that's why I bought it.

There are some other funny things about Boston. The most funny thing is their accent. I'm not laughing at their accent, It's just interesting to listen and mimic their accent for me =P. See the pic, it's a mouse pad, and Boston ppl are making fun of themselves, "The top 10 ways to act like you tahk Bawstin". At last, show a pic of me & Mr. Lobstah!


Wei Yu said...


Unknown said...

i tried to read the mouse pad ...