Monday, January 5, 2009

Princeton & New York

It has been one year and a half since the last time I saw Peng in our graduation at Tsinghua. I finally got a chance to visit the niubiest in my class at Princeton.

I arrived at Princeton University in a sunny afternoon. Peng didn't change much, still acts in a niubie way. Peng took us to a Japanese restaurant(owned by Chinese-_-) and I liked the salmon teriyaki so much... The california roll is tasty as well. I was eating california roll at Princeton. -.-

Then Peng lead us to visit the campus. Princeton is the most beautiful campus I've seen so far. I even like the small blue lights.. I like the color of their buildings(not all in red X<), the architectures(a lot of funny design, see the pic where Peng&I was in), the big lawns and big trees. After a wonderful trip in Princeton, we then headed to New York. The feeling of New York to me is overwhelming. You seemed got everything here but in the same time you feel lost. There are too many places to go, too many restaurants to try, too many museums to visit, too many shops to buy, and too much stuff to do. You feel lost wondering inside the building forrest of financial district, waiting in the subway, and walking along the world busiest streets.

Probably the only quiet place for New Yorker to slow down a little bit is Central Park. It was nice roaming inside the park in the Sunday morning and watching people jogging near you.

We then went to South Ferry where you can see Statue of Liberty. Well, you can see a very small woman in my photo during sunset, and that's her. =P

My travel book suggested a bagel shop called H&H. And the translation is "百吉饼". I don't know how they translated this word.. I can hardly relate these two words together -____-. Anyway, we went there and bought 3 "百吉饼".. The taste is okay, but I cannot tell the difference between this and the one I bought at Ralph's..


Unknown said...

i prefer wild trails to downtown streets.

altiplano said...


altiplano said...
