Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The most ridiculous charge

My high school classmate just send me a link of my high school on wiki, saying there is something interesting. I looked at it, and I found something I never know: the most ridiculous charge of a teacher during culture revolution.

The charge was "Against dear XXX". -- The teacher told the students to leave the classroom as quickly as possible when earthquakes come. One of the students asked: "How about the portrait of XXX? Do we need to bring it with us before we leave?" and the teacher didn't reply, neither said yes nor said no.

The teacher was tortured to death and the reason of her death is "unknown" on the death certificate.

And something even more disgusting happened not long before(2007), one of the students related to her death was selected as one of the 90 honorable alumni during the celebration of the school's 90 anniversary.


Anonymous said...

Wiki is a nice place to reveal something not that nice...

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

It's ridiculous and foolish. I was unhappy with the school administration for all my 6 years.