Saturday, January 3, 2009


Philadelphia is not that kind of city I like.. But the Museum of Art and University of Pennsylvania is not bad.

We went to the famous Philadelphia cheese steak first(the first thing of going to a new city for me is always eating=.=). The one we went to is called Pat's. Pat is the one who invent this steak sandwich. It was so cold that day(I was finally beaten by the harsh weather on east coast-_-), and the line is long, the eating place is outdoor.. Anyway, I didn't enjoy it very much both because the eating environment is harsh and the cheese steak sandwich is not that tasty.

We then headed to the Museum of Art. I have to say, this one is the best I've seen so far. They got all kinds of stuff, European art, American art, Asian art, Indian art, Mexican art, and balabala. And the museum is built in a way not tedious. The architecture of the museum is a part of the exhibition as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like the last piece.