Friday, January 9, 2009

MIT & Hahvid

(Because I am at Bawstin, so I'll try to act like a local.)

We went to MIT & Hahvid today.

The fahst building we ran into is MIT's statar centah, and latah we know it is used by Computah Science Depahtment囧. The building looks funny. I heahd someone like it and someone don't. I cannot appreciate it eithah-____-. But I do like the MIT's police cah inside of this building. See, they even got two dices hanging ovah theah. The pic with me inside is MIT's main builing.

Then we went to Hahvid. Anyway, I didn't figah out wheah I can pahk in Hahvid Yahd. But I had a chance to look at Hahvid's fancy dinning hall. As Peng said, this is definitly the Harry Potah style... In the end, I took a stupid pictah in one of Hahvid's buildings and I fahgot which one it is. 囧


Wei Yu said...

Too hard to read. It seems that I am not bostonian.

Unknown said...

MIT, such a dream place!

Claire said...
