Saturday, January 31, 2009

My first cake

I'm too lazy to write words.. so just pics.. (I'll probably write words some time later) ^^||

Friday, January 30, 2009


杰 希卡(化名)是一个23岁的美国外教,她的中文发音比我好,至少她能读对我永远都分不清的平翘舌,她住在北京使馆区附近的一个涉外公寓里。因为住在这里的 年轻女孩大都是世界各国来的妓女,所以她进出的时候,门卫时不时的会问一些诸如此类的问题:干你们这行儿收入还行吗?你有没有遇到过变态的客 人?你家里知道你干这个吗?
“ 我觉得是这样,我不希望她从事这个行业是因为这是一个非常危险的行业,我不希望她出事,就像我不希望她去当战地记者一样,我会非常担心她的安全,并不是因 为这个行业有什么不对。如果她成年了,想清楚了,知道自己在干什么我是不会管她的,只会替她担心,或是劝她别干。如果她真的去干了,我也不会像那些傻逼父 母一样因此跟孩子断绝关系,我可能会絮絮叨叨地劝她转行惹得她嫌我烦吧。”


我 们习惯于被人羡慕,在别人的赞许中骄傲着,活在别人的期望中,然而也许终有一天,我们会发现,自己所追求的,只不过是别人认为我们应该追求的,碌碌一生, 除去表演,别无所成。而自己真正喜欢什么,需要什么,也许再也无从记起。当时光渐渐逝去的时候,也许我们会发现,邻家那个天天喜欢玩泥巴的小孩活得比我们 潇洒得多。努力只为去换取一句“牛逼”,远远不比自己用心做一件喜欢的事,哪怕只是和泥巴,来得更值得。


My last black Friday

Finally, comes.. -____-
All right, I'll go to bed now and get up tomorrow (7am?) to get crazy for my last black Friday.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The most ridiculous charge

My high school classmate just send me a link of my high school on wiki, saying there is something interesting. I looked at it, and I found something I never know: the most ridiculous charge of a teacher during culture revolution.

The charge was "Against dear XXX". -- The teacher told the students to leave the classroom as quickly as possible when earthquakes come. One of the students asked: "How about the portrait of XXX? Do we need to bring it with us before we leave?" and the teacher didn't reply, neither said yes nor said no.

The teacher was tortured to death and the reason of her death is "unknown" on the death certificate.

And something even more disgusting happened not long before(2007), one of the students related to her death was selected as one of the 90 honorable alumni during the celebration of the school's 90 anniversary.

Saturday, January 17, 2009牛博网) was shut down on 1.9

I was wondering why I cannot connect to it after I get back from my wonderful trip. It turns out that it's because bullog is not a good boy, too rebellious and like talking bad things of XX nanny, so XX nanny put him into a small black room and imply the rest of the world this is because bullog speak dirty.

click here(Chinese) for the reaction from LaoLuo(老罗).

click here(English) for a brief report from TIME.

I googled LaoLuo(老罗) and didn't find the English wiki for him(guess he is still not famous enough =P), just Chinese version. I have taken his class in New Oriental English School when preparing for GRE. He is a good teacher and he has deep thoughts(from the Chinese wiki):

* 对中国制式教育的批评——他认为目前中国的制式教育对青少年害大于利;
criticize on the Chinese education -- he thinks its disadvantage is more than advantage to Chinese young generation.
* 对暂住制度的批评——他认为在一个国家领土范围内,自由迁徙是公民的基本权利;一个人在自己祖国的土地上被要求“暂”住是荒谬的;
* 对“独立思考”的呼吁和对理想主义人生观的推崇——他认为中国的年轻人不应该放弃独立思考,不应该“为了乡愿或利益而放弃基本是非原则”或“放弃自己经过独立思考认为正确的事情”,不应该放弃对于“自由、民主、公正、法制、宽容”的社会信念和追求。他强调“愤世嫉俗”与犬儒主义的区别,认为一个坚持理想的人应该抱有不可动摇的乐观态度和人生勇气;
claim for "thinking independently". -- he thinks Chinese young people should not give up thinking independently, should not give up the basic principles or the right things after independent thinking for benefits, should not give up the pursuing of "freedom, democracy, fairness, legal system and forgiveness". He thinks a person with dream should have optimism and courage.
* 对民族主义和盲目民族神圣化的不认同 —— 他称自己“骨子里是一个国际主义者”,认为一个人是否爱国纯属个人情感选择,民族情感必须以公正、理性、人道为前提,每个人必须尊重别人的情感选择。
criticize on blind patriotism -- he claim himself is a internationalist. He thinks that whether a person love his/her country is a personal choice. Patriotism should be always after fairness, ration and humanity. Everyone should respect other's emotion choice.
* 对伪科学的激烈反对 —— 他认为中国传统医学的经验体系从没有自成科学体系,因此自称“科学”的所谓“中医”是伪科学;主张废除中医。
* 对中国媒体大面积职业道德沦丧的谴责和讽刺;
criticize on the wrong doing of Chinese media, saying they don't have professional responsibility.
* 对文坛中一些故弄玄虚、空洞浮华文风的讽刺;
* 对中国文艺界一些形式主义、僵化空洞的作风的嘲讽——他对中国中央电视台一些节目进行过幽默的嘲讽。
criticize on the current Chinese literatures and arts field, saying they are formalism, stubborn and meaningless.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Salmon Teriyaki

Haha, see my salmon teriyaki. Doesn't it look good? XD

Actually, it's a little over cooked.. and the skin is ruined by me. But anyway, it taste not that bad, although much worse than the one I had at Princeton. -_________-

Friday, January 9, 2009

MIT & Hahvid

(Because I am at Bawstin, so I'll try to act like a local.)

We went to MIT & Hahvid today.

The fahst building we ran into is MIT's statar centah, and latah we know it is used by Computah Science Depahtment囧. The building looks funny. I heahd someone like it and someone don't. I cannot appreciate it eithah-____-. But I do like the MIT's police cah inside of this building. See, they even got two dices hanging ovah theah. The pic with me inside is MIT's main builing.

Then we went to Hahvid. Anyway, I didn't figah out wheah I can pahk in Hahvid Yahd. But I had a chance to look at Hahvid's fancy dinning hall. As Peng said, this is definitly the Harry Potah style... In the end, I took a stupid pictah in one of Hahvid's buildings and I fahgot which one it is. 囧

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Boston is the best city of my east coast trip~~

It is clean&tidy. People are so nice(We were just looking at the map, and they offered help voluntarily). Public transportation is convenient. And you don't need to worry about get robbed while walking along streets at night. =) The pic is where my friend lives, Parker Hill.

We've tried 3 Boston's food, seafood pasta(lobster), pastry and clam chowder soup. The seafood pasta is tasty, I never liked pasta very much, since I thought it's just another kind of noodles -____-. But this one is good, and probably the reason is that there are more lobster, fish and oyster in it than noodles... So at the end, the things I liked are still not pasta... I liked the fish best, I didn't find lobster taste much better than shrimp and oyster is okay. The pastry is bad.. we went to a one called "Mike's pastry". It is highly reviewed on google map. I don't like the cream at all, since they are really thick.. Clam chowder soup is okay(I don't like creamy soup-.-), but putting it in a bread bowl is funny, and that's why I bought it.

There are some other funny things about Boston. The most funny thing is their accent. I'm not laughing at their accent, It's just interesting to listen and mimic their accent for me =P. See the pic, it's a mouse pad, and Boston ppl are making fun of themselves, "The top 10 ways to act like you tahk Bawstin". At last, show a pic of me & Mr. Lobstah!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Princeton & New York

It has been one year and a half since the last time I saw Peng in our graduation at Tsinghua. I finally got a chance to visit the niubiest in my class at Princeton.

I arrived at Princeton University in a sunny afternoon. Peng didn't change much, still acts in a niubie way. Peng took us to a Japanese restaurant(owned by Chinese-_-) and I liked the salmon teriyaki so much... The california roll is tasty as well. I was eating california roll at Princeton. -.-

Then Peng lead us to visit the campus. Princeton is the most beautiful campus I've seen so far. I even like the small blue lights.. I like the color of their buildings(not all in red X<), the architectures(a lot of funny design, see the pic where Peng&I was in), the big lawns and big trees. After a wonderful trip in Princeton, we then headed to New York. The feeling of New York to me is overwhelming. You seemed got everything here but in the same time you feel lost. There are too many places to go, too many restaurants to try, too many museums to visit, too many shops to buy, and too much stuff to do. You feel lost wondering inside the building forrest of financial district, waiting in the subway, and walking along the world busiest streets.

Probably the only quiet place for New Yorker to slow down a little bit is Central Park. It was nice roaming inside the park in the Sunday morning and watching people jogging near you.

We then went to South Ferry where you can see Statue of Liberty. Well, you can see a very small woman in my photo during sunset, and that's her. =P

My travel book suggested a bagel shop called H&H. And the translation is "百吉饼". I don't know how they translated this word.. I can hardly relate these two words together -____-. Anyway, we went there and bought 3 "百吉饼".. The taste is okay, but I cannot tell the difference between this and the one I bought at Ralph's..

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Philadelphia is not that kind of city I like.. But the Museum of Art and University of Pennsylvania is not bad.

We went to the famous Philadelphia cheese steak first(the first thing of going to a new city for me is always eating=.=). The one we went to is called Pat's. Pat is the one who invent this steak sandwich. It was so cold that day(I was finally beaten by the harsh weather on east coast-_-), and the line is long, the eating place is outdoor.. Anyway, I didn't enjoy it very much both because the eating environment is harsh and the cheese steak sandwich is not that tasty.

We then headed to the Museum of Art. I have to say, this one is the best I've seen so far. They got all kinds of stuff, European art, American art, Asian art, Indian art, Mexican art, and balabala. And the museum is built in a way not tedious. The architecture of the museum is a part of the exhibition as well.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Great Falls Park & Baltimore

On the fourth day of my trip, I went to Great Falls Park & Baltimore.

Great Falls Park is beautiful, although it's not a national park(comparing with Shenandoah -.-). The fall is not that great as its name.. However, this does not affect my favor of it^^. There are dead trees under the water everywhere which reminds me of JiuZhaiGou(my favourite nature view in China).

We then went to Baltimore in the afternoon. We headed to Baltimore's famous Crab Cake immediately.. The one we went is called Faidley's located in Lexington Market. The Crab Cake is so tasty... hmm... I miss it already.. lol

Baltimore is interesting city since it has a harbor in its downtown. The view is beautiful there~