Friday, October 9, 2009

I'm so grateful for

Chengjie's help with my stupidity this morning.

I got into an emotional mood and slept too late last night.
And I woke up this morning, brushed my teeth, washed my face like a robot, then drove to ISI.

Usually I will check everything before I get off my car, but today, I guess the emotional mood and not-enough sleep made mine intelligence go down. So I locked my car key in the car with engine still on...

There is no backup key. So I was thinking, oh, fine, ~!@#$%^&*()_+
But I'm aware that saying dirty words, or being helpless can not open the door, so I decide to go to my office and search for help online.

When I got to the office, I saw Chengjie's office was open and he was there, so I asked him for advise. Chengjie told me no worry, Huang Zong had made the same mistakes for at least 2-3 times, what we need to do is just to call AAA and they would open the door without breaking the lock.

So AAA came after 15 mins, everything got fixed and I even made my class on time.

Thank you so much Chengjie, I owe you too much, dude.


Ji MA said...
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Ji MA said...

read it wrong, thought it's "regretful"...-_-

glad it worked out:)

Kai Song said...

good, he has the AAA membership~