Friday, October 16, 2009


My stubborn dad told me to wear red this year since it's the year of ox.
I never took it seriously.

Probably I should.
So I wouldn't get homeless in Florida,
So I wouldn't take the stupid class and meet someone's room mate.
So I wouldn't ask someone to pick me up at the airport.
So my car tire wouldn't deflate totally when I got back.
So I wouldn't fail to measure the duration of yellow light and get caught by camera.
So I wouldn't get this damn headache today because I'm stupid enough to still have some expectation.

Probably I shouldn't.
Otherwise I'll never learn the stuff you won't learn while travelling with others.
Otherwise I'll never learn how to fix a deflated tire.
Otherwise I'll never learn how to deal with a ticket.
Otherwise I'll never learn the ugly truth.

There is nothing you cannot get over with,
and the more you get over with,
the more ox you are.

Dad, isn't it right? =)

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