Monday, October 5, 2009

I only make friends who

KEEP their promise.

One of the meaning of friends, to me, is RESPECTING each other.
We are EQUAL, no one is superior.

I like you, mostly is because you have certain characteristics I appreciate, either I already have or I am longing to have.
I'm willing to share that part of life with you, since I think we'll both enjoy it.
I know it's unfair that I'm the only person who decide what to share.
So you can SQUEEZE it, and we can agree on a smaller set with which we are both comfortable.

We'll agree on a LEVEL OF EXPECTATION of how much intersection of life to each other. It's okay for each side to give more if willing to, but only EXPECT that much. Only the expectation which cannot be satisfied causes pain.

We can also ADJUST the level of expectation, people change, I understand. But it should be fairly stable, otherwise what's the difference between instant promise and lie?

I'm willing to make friends, so I'll treat everyone I first met EQUALLY.
I'll be nice to you and get to know you.
We'll find out what we want to share and we'll agree on the level of expectation.

Once we agreed on the level of expectation.
Please DO what you say.
Please DO NOT fool me.
Please DO NOT make fake promise.
Please DO NOT raise the level of expectation if you only want more from me but not willing to give the equal amount.

I will try my best to trust you, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid.
If you lose my trust, believe me, it's going to be very difficult to gain it back.

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