Monday, September 7, 2009

Redwoods Parks

The first impression of Redwoods Parks to me is that:
"wow, this looks just like the forest I saw in Lord of the Rings."

I don't know why I like trees and water so much (green&blue are also my favourite colors), probably because I've been conditioned in Sichuan for 14 years? -_-|| Redwoods to me, is a perfect combination of these two things. Trees are tall and green, air is cool and humid. I know my body gains a huge amount of pleasure by just standing inside of it.

It's also a new experience. It's a totally different world from the highly civilized Los Angeles, especially when you hike deeply into the forest.

The forest is mysterious, full of uncertain, and uncertain makes me exciting but also scared. Probably people enjoy the pleasure of certaintifying uncertain things, making unknown things known.

I admit that I get scared when walking alone into it for a while. Even it's just a short hiking trial, I was thinking, will I encounter a bear? or even a lion? will I get lost? will I be able get out of it before the sunset? At some point, it's getting really dark, and I heard voice from the bush, I was scared, bear? lion? Finally, I found an elk staring at me, lucky, not bear again.. (I encountered a black bear at Great Smoky Mountain NP for 3 times)

I realize how small, how powerless I can be when I am facing the nature alone.
I feel my fear, I feel the deep nature of myself.

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