Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Florida trip pic series (Orlando, Gainesville & Okefenokee National Widelife Refuge)

(I'm so lazy... I should finish this series of pics weeks ago...)

Lake Eola, Orlando, FL
The lake is located at downtown Orlando, full of swans, white, black and mixed race. =)
I didn't go to famous Disneyland as I still didn't go to the one in LA..
The thing I remembered clearest is the hotel I stayed, it was the most comfortable night I had along my trip..
Aug 15, 2009

University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Dear Huang Xi Gua, my high school friend, let me stayed at her place for one night (tears~ T-T) and lead me to visit her school next day.
University of Florida is quite pretty in the sense it got a lot of trees (probably only suits my appetite..).
This is a small wooden church, with very unique design. Xixi said that it's only for wedding.. -_-
Aug 15, 2009

Okefenokee National Widelife Refuge, GA
This is in Georgia, not Florida. I finally begin to post pics outside of Florida.. lol
This is supposed to be a good place watching widelife, but I saw nothing... The summer is too hot for creatures! =.=
Aug 16, 2009

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