Monday, August 17, 2009

Going camping with someone met in the supermarket

So I'm going camping at Great Smoky Mountains National Park tomorrow.
And the person I'm going with is a black boy I met at Publix (a big chain supermarket in Florida and Georgia) on the first night I arrived at Atlanta.

I was picking yoghurt that time and he was working there. He asked me where I'm from and I told him I'm originally from China and living in LA right now. Then we began to chat, he said he is learning acting and wants to go to LA for acting sometime. He seems really passionate about it and I told him it's really important to do something you are passionate about. He doesn't have southern accent since he is learning 5 different ways to speak English. At the end, we exchanged phone numbers and I told him I'm going to stay at Atlanta till Thursday.

I planned to go to Great Smoky Mountains National Park today noon when chatting with an old couples at a southern food restaurant called Carver's Grocery. After hearing about my trip, they were really nice to me and telling me about all the unique places around Atlanta. They strongly recommended Great Smoky Mountains which has been on my to-go list for a long time.

In the afternoon, Willis (the black boy) called, without any plan before, I suddenly invited him to come with me. I think he is a nice person and it's always fun to make different kinds of friends. He considered for a while, then accepted my invitation.

After that, I got a little worried. I barely know him, what if anything bad happens? Then I realized what kind of situation I encountered now. People always fear what they don't know about. You have a circle of trust, you first trust your family, then your friends, then your race, then all the human (when encounter animals). So to deal with things you don't know, you either choose to keep away from them, or build a wall between you and them, or even eliminate them. However, you can also try to approach them, and to know them, this is risky though, but that's what I'm going to do (one bad experience is certainly not enough to terrify me).

I hope I'll make a good friend and I hope people can be less greedy & defensive.


Unknown said...

i like to know different kind of people, but i don't like camping without any plan :)

Ji MA said...


sometimes it may takes blood to approach people.

u should post the person's profile so we have some lead to follow in case...

Claire said...

To Bo:
My whole trip was not in my plan... >.<

Claire said...

To Ji:
The things I knew about him are pretty much all in this post..