Thursday, August 13, 2009

Miami Beach & Biscayne National Park

I slept at 4am yesterday(or today), and woke up 8am this morning. Am I too excited for my trip? lol
After doing some research about the trip, I called Biscayne National Park about the snorkeling trip. Fortunately, they are providing it today at 1:30pm. It takes 1 hour to get there, and they asked me to get there 1 hour early to listen to the instruction. So I need to take off at 11:30am at least. It's 9:30am now, so I decided to take a walk in Miami Beach.

Miami Beach is okay, like Santa Monica, a beach near busy district. Even early in the morning, it's already full of people. I didn't took a long walk there, instead, I went to Espanola Way, which is supposed to be a street of historic architectures. I didn't like Miami Beach, but this little street is a nice walk.

Then I headed to Biscayne National Park. The traffic on US Hwy 1 is awful, I was worried that I cannot make my snorkeling trip. Suddenly I remembered dear pigguo's advise, taking the Florida Turnpike. It was much better, and luckily I got there on time.

Traveling in Florida, the first advise is probably that make sure to bring spray to keep mosquito away from you. Putting on bikini in the restroom is a nightmare, I got bited all over my body... Anyway, when we finally get onto the sea, mosquito are gone. It was a 1-hour drive from the visitor center to the coral reef. On the boat, I met a Korean girl names Anna, who were really nice to me. She lives at Fort Lauderdale (so-called Venice of America), and her friend in Pennysivia is visiting her, so they got on this trip together. I guess one of the advantages of traveling alone is that you can meet different ppl along your trip. Although at first I get a little scared of traveling all alone by myself, but now I begin to appreciate the nice parts of it.

The color of the sea is different, some part is blue, some part is more greenish. I asked the staff, and he told me it's because of the sea grass, the area with sea grass is darker, bluish, because the sand is covered. We finally got there, and I cannot wait to jump into the sea. It was fantastic. First time seeing sea creatures so vividly and so naturally, not in museum (they are all dead), not in aquarium (they are all in prison).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like to watch those colorful fishes swimming freely