Thursday, December 25, 2008

First time driving on highway.. lol

What did I do on Christmas day in 2008?
I was practising driving on 110&105 highway to the airport...

I was so nervous ... lol
Before this, there were just two days(less than 2 hours per day =.=) practising in neighbourhood. I even haven't got enough practising on local...

But my driving teacher, Ji, said, it's now or never.. -__-
Everyone is sleeping in Christmas morning, so it's the perfect time to get onto highway. And he said this is today's "special lesson".. -______-

And I was kind of scared but I said: "all right". Yeah, let's get onto the highway..

Anyway, I was exhausted after we got to airport and we changed the driver immediately -____-. But I kind of feel excited now...... And I want to go onto highway tomorrow......

Great thanks to Ji~ and thanks to the teaching assistant Lei, you guys are really funny and nice. And I had a perfect Christmas day~ ^^


forest said...


Kai Song said...


Claire said...


Unknown said...

be a safe driver pls :)