Friday, December 19, 2008


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We were raised up with education full of hates(Japan, Guo Ming Dang, US...)
I'm wondering how many countries are teaching their children that you should love all the people whoever they, wherever they come from, and how many countries are teaching their children that the strong ones ultimately get all, never be the weak ones, unless you want to be miserable.

Are people fundamentally selfish? What will happen if the natural resources are finally used up some day? Will all well-educational people turn into ugly animals fighting for food?

1 comment:

Ji MA said...

Quote:"Are people fundamentally selfish?"

My opinion is yes:-) And the interesting thing is: well educated people are smart enough to start fighting for food before it's out, they are fighting right now, such as for the oil at mid-east -_-

And I guess all weapons and armies are developed to handle such situation :P