Monday, December 15, 2008

Big Mac (巨无霸) - making PPP theory more digestible

Robert Cumby in the Macroeconomics book said:
China's currency, Yuan, should appreciate to 2.80 instead of 6.88(now) because
the price of Big Mac in China is $1.45(¥10) and the price in US is $3.57

According to the Purchasing Power Parity(PPP) theory saying that the exchange rate between two countries should reflect the price level difference.

Thus, the Yuan is 1-$1.45/$3.57=59.4% below its Big Mac parity.
And the exchange rate of Yuan/Dollar should be ¥10/$3.57 = 2.80.

And they claimed they have studied this in 14 countries over 10 years, and the difference between the current exchange rate and the Big Mac exchange rate disappeared in 1 year.

See Big Mac Index on wiki for more info.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Big Mac in china is not like Big Mac in U.S. They should use some equivolant local food, e.g. JIAN BING, BAOZI, etc. I believe they will get very different results.