Wednesday, February 11, 2009

AI Project1, A*-Starcraft?

Whoever(Svan?) designed this project, I have to say, it's a funny project. Although I spent sometime coding, it's worth it.

This project relates A* algorithm to the famous game, Starcraft. see project description here.

Starcraft.. now I know better how Zerg and Terran plan their paths..

I used to play Starcraft a lot when I was in high school. I remembered we 8 ppl playing 4vs4 using the "hunter" map in computer lab-_-. But later we found that 4vs4 hurts our friendship because of the competition, so we began to play 7vs1 where the 1 is the computer^____^.


Zing said...

What about the losing one of 8?Is IT the computer?
(Tel'ya one thing:Try DOTA,IT really hurts,and that's 10)
Have a Game

Claire said...

why DOTA hurts?
I tried it but I'm no longer that interested in games any more =)

Zing said...

K,that means you tried it in a good teamwork or totally dull work in the Destroyer Of The Acquaintanceship.
Em,should I say it is a pity?
Tell me what ya interested in now then;I am listening.

Claire said...

haha, I'm interested in those things I wrote on my blog. =)

Zing said...

aye,My fault;that's a silly question then:P

Zing said...

This project is interesting;how it works?(If you must kill me after tell me;then'd better not to)

Anonymous said...

You can actually use dynamic programming to obtain the optimal strategy at the beginning of the game, e.g. when and whether to create another SVG/probe...

Zing said...

Excellent;this is the famous Berkerly Game lecture ya.Thx,and I will be careful about strangers;especially guys who say,Anonymos