Friday, February 12, 2010

Tail of Ox

It's the last day, and it comes every 12 years, so I'd better leave something labelled with today's date.

But I dunno what to write.

What I used to do is summarizing what happened, what have been done this year, and what to expect, what I'm gonna do next year.

Just like a end-of-year work report.

Usually I will be moderately satisfied with this year. Although much time should be used to do this but I did that, generally I can still persuade myself I'm in good control of my ever-shrinking time pool. I might got a A for my planned work&study, but I might also fail the unexpected lessons jumped into my life. Life has a rough track, but with random vibration along together. Sometimes these vibration can deviate you from the original track. Good? Bad? it much depends on how you view it.

Usually I will have a lot of hopes for the coming year, both for the growth along the original track and the exciting unexpected vibrations. I guess my last year's wish did come true. Thank you. =)

All right, what's gonna happen next?
Life, please surprise me. XD

1 comment:

bigpizza said...

Life always surprises you. No matter how bad or good it is, we move on, leave your footprints here or there. Keep looking forward to everything! XD