Monday, July 21, 2008

my very second blog

I feel this place is too empty. So I was thinking what I should put onto this blog. And suddenly, I remembered this picture made by my dear friend, Alex.

I'm sorry the words on the picture are Chinese. Well, I'm trying to translate it to English, but it may be a little awkward.

"We bloom, even there is no flower in this season."

I admit I didn't make this up. I saw it on the web when I was in high school and I liked it very much. It conveyed me a really optimistic attitude telling me keeping going forward.

Go forward, keep learning. This is how I am trying to treat my life. I think most people has asked questions like: "What is the meaning for me of living on this world?" I thought about it, too, of course..(laugh =P) and of course, I did not find the reason. I think this is a very hard question for those philosophers as well so I gave up(lazy me..). Then I asked myself a much simpler question: "What should I do to let me feel that I am not wasting my time?" I began to think about it for like 3 minutes, and then I got confused. There are always things you need to give up which you feel you may want. But your life time is limited, you got your responsibility, and balabala.. oops, cannot work.

Am I too greedy? I have lots of majors want to try. If it is possible, can I get at least 5 Ph.D degrees?(I'm kidding, Bachelor is acceptable, too) Let's do a simple math, even supposed that I have already gain the Bachelor degrees for these 5 majors, I still need 5*5=25 years to finish my Ph.D degrees. Oh, I wish I could have an eternal life.

This is a specialized world, everyone is specialized in something. The famous "invisible hand" theory said that the market will make everyone do what he/she is best at. But is that real? Cause how do you know what you are really good at and what you really want if you even didn't try? Is this world too fast so everyone is just trying to keep up with the world and forget to stop and think.

Well, then I looked at these words, "We bloom, even there is no flower in this season." Yes, even this world may not be perfect for you, at least, you can try. Never feel sorry for yourself when you were thinking: what if I have tried.


Unknown said...

the no-answer questions can only disturb your pieceful mind

Han Qin said...

Let it be. Time is the best advisor and you will learn what you have even thought about. We have limit time then most cases are you will have new questions before you get the answer of privous ones. So let it be.

Unknown said...

啥时候你开始这么深刻了= =。。

Li Zhang said...

Congrats! You find it! Eternal life is the simple solution to many problems.