Thursday, August 18, 2011

UKTrip -- High School Reunion

After Asia, North America, Australia, now came Europe. Or more specifically, the island near the Continental Europe. -__-

The first stop was Cambridge, where my two high school classmates, Lao Guo and Yan Feng, study. Lao Guo likes to emphasize on the time span since we last met, "Ah, 7 years, 7 years have passed", and since we first met, "Ah, 11 years, we have known each other for 11 years". This made me suddenly feel old and nostalgic. What made things worse is the unbelievable brain memory of Lao Guo that enables him to recall every detail of events happened in high school. In contrast, I can only recall blurry images and feelings.

Lao Guo said I didn't change at all, still like 11 years ago. I disagreed. Then Lao Guo asked me if I think he changed. I thought for a while, "maybe, but not much". "You see, the first impression has been deeply planted into our mind, really hard to change", Lao Guo analyzed.

I wasn't fond of my high school, and also felt guilty on certain things. Maybe that's why I tend to forget details and rarely contact my high school classmates. "Who still remember those things, take it easy", Lao Guo was a little surprised when I said so. "Besides, it's really not easy for us to meet each other and get stuck together for 3 years". Yes, Lao Guo might be right. Our high school was intense, in the sense that 22 kids have to spend every minute together every day for 3 years, taking all classes together and no home to escape on weekends. Frictions are unavoidable. However, after so many years, who still remember the details? Time has washed them away and only left the good memory of youth.

1 comment:

pigguo said... make it worse.........
anyway, I am going to post a series of articles to recall my past 10 years, starting from our high school........