Thursday, March 31, 2011

"When you go to war as a boy you have a great illusion of immortality. Other people get killed; not you ... Then when you are badly wounded the first time you lose that illusion and you know it can happen to you." -- Ernest Hemingway

Does Hemingway's words remind you of anything?
Have you ever thought that you are somewhat, DIFFERENT?
Did you feel that you are the ONE chosen to accomplish a special assignment?
Have you ever DESPISE others on their timidness, directionlessness and realism?
Did you feel that all your CLOSET friends live in books but dead hundreds of years ago?

Until one day, you are severely WOUNDED.
Your body is trembling.
Your spirit is wavering.
You feel so, LOST.

You realized that you are not really that, SPECIAL.
You began to wonder, WHO else, went through the same.
You suddenly discovered that you can feel SYMPATHY now for the ones you used to despise.
You started to greatly APPRECIATE the ones who went through failures and failures and still keep smiling towards life.
You sort of HEALED, although you still lick your wounds sometime.

And life goes on.
"All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure." -- Mark Twain.
You lost your ignorance, do you still have your confidence?
"I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else." -- Winston Churchill.
Confidence is a choice, to help you do things. You have it the moment you decide to.
"Nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important you do it." -- Mohandas Gandhi
But why do those things? You tell me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was much younger I did many things that could have been my last, in retrospect I’d have to agree with Hemingway and the illusion of immortality, now days I can look back and remember all the those things from the viewpoint that they were foolish if not plain stupid.

In one context I know I’m different, but for fifty years after the episode in my life that showed what that difference was I have kept silent do to fear. Now being older I’m not so fearful of any consequences.

There are times I have a feeling of having been chosen to accomplish what I now comprehend but see little in the way of accomplishing it, but most times I think that feeling of having been chosen is but a side effect of culture on the physical consciousness.

Perhaps Gandhi means that it is important to do those things, for if you don’t then how would you do anything that might be important. I have confidence in what I know, but little faith in that others would ever trust in it, so I will give you this thing.

Into the Light

Awareness is the soul and consciousness is the physical bridge to the physical universe. During the fusion process gametes, the process involving the fusion of an ovum with a sperm the DNA begins combining. As the DNA combines the structures change which results in lowering the entropy state of the cell. Additionally the entropy loss is a result of spontaneous ultra weak photon emission from the DNA, also known as biophoton emission. The cell which can be considered as an optical cavity emitting coherent light and in the reverse process is a physical antenna. A soul particle is attracted to this antenna and is weakly held, if the cell fails to attract and hold a soul particle it eventual dies. The biophotons emitted enthrall the awareness of the soul particle. Before the cell divides the biophotons emission ceases then restarts sometime after division, this process continues until roughly the 14th day when the neural curl begins taking place thereby permanently trapping the soul particle. Incidentally the soul particle does not in any way constitute or require the god concept, though some may use it as evidence for the argument.