Thursday, October 14, 2010

The fearless kind

What makes people fearless?
Is the one who wants nothing fearless? like the ascetic monks who deliberately extinguish their natural fire.
Is the one who wants something but believe his wants will never be lost fearless? like the martyrs who believe their faith party will never betray them.
Is the one who is so innocent that he believes the world turns around him fearless? like the 3 year old boy whose goal is to conquer the whole world.
Is the one who is so optimistic (or perhaps dumb) that he believes nothing he cannot acquire fearless? like the hardworking guy who tried again and again and again.


Anonymous said...

Maybe all of them are fearless? They all commit to the cause in the face of uncertainty. I like how Marie Curie said: "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood."

Anonymous said...



