Saturday, July 11, 2009

Niagara Falls trip

I finally get bored to write a post of my Niagara Falls trip.. -___-
So we started off on 7.3 morning from New Jersey. It was a 6 hours drive and we arrived at Buffalo around 4pm. The view along the trip to me was nicer than Southern California where I hate the desert-like mountains.
Buffalo is somewhat boring.. or we didn't find anything interesting. The only highlight was the Buffalo Wings. We went to the birthplace of Buffalo Wings, Anchor Bar. It was crowded, and we didn't have the patience waiting, so we ordered take-out. We ordered mild, medium, hot and super spicy. None of them is hot enough, and the super spicy one is the least tasty. It's sour, and none of us like the taste of sour. I don't know why they always put hot&sour flavors together, but this is a good lesson, I'm going to ask if it's sour next time before order anything super spicy.

We headed to Niagara Falls during night to see the night view of it. It was great. I was like, "wow, this is the biggest fall I've ever seen". Standing at the top of the falls and looking down it makes me feel really great. It's hard to describe the feeling, a little excited, a little surprised. It's a whole new feeling, some sort of like "I don't know there is such thing existing before." New stuff always make me feel pleasure, I feel the smallness of myself and I also feel the great pleasure of discovering this big world.
The next day we decided to take the Maid of the Mist (MM) trip. The ship will take you to the bottom of the falls. It was great again, even the same thing, you can feel totally different from another perspective. I guess the most suitable word to describe my feeling is : "爽"... lol
I also got a picture of my head and rainbow in it! haha, this is soooooo cool, rainbow was so close to me.

After the fantastic Niagara Falls trip, it was still early, so we went to Ithaca, NY where Cornell University is located at. The neighborhood around Ithaca was really beautiful, there are a lot of state parks with lakes and falls. I have to say, it's so perfect for me, lakes, falls, and trees. And as bragged in my previous post, this is where I jumped into a small fall, haha.

Then we ate dinner there in a Thai restaurant. We went to Cornell University, but it was already around 9:00pm, so everything is getting dark, and this is the only pic I took there (you even cannot tell it's Cornell!). It was a pity, but this give me an excuse to go there another time, and besides, I'm still missing the feeling of jumping into the fall. =P

And thanks to my friends going to this trip with me, it was really fantastic and I had a great time! This is definitely a wonderful memory~ =)


Unknown said...

the falls look great!

Claire said...

you've never been there? =P