I am a bird born in a
The cage is my
home, it's cosy, safe, protecting me from the unknown monsters outside.
I have a master loving me, protecting me, and feeding me.
The only thing I need to do for him is just singing.
Life is good, I always think it is.
One day, another bird came into the cage.
She looked unhappy, she wanted to get out.
I asked her,
what are you doing? why not stay here? it's the best place in this world.She looked at me, and said,
how do you know it's the best place?hmm.. because I got food I want, I got a secure cage protecting me from danger outside, and the most important, I got a master loving me and did a lot of things for me. I love him so much, I can never pay his love back.As I was talking, I could see pity from her eyes, it was strange, why is she pitying me?
There is much much more delicious food outside, and it's not always dangerous outside. You see the berry your master is eating everyday? that's called blueberry, have you ever tried?No.. I thought It's not edible for me.Of course it is! Human just keep the best for themselves. They tell you what the best is and you believe it. They tell you they did all the things for you and make you feel owing them.----------------
I am a bird living in the
The wild is tough, dangerous, but full of discoveries.
No one protect me, no one feed me, no one guide me, I depend wholly on myself.
I get tired sometime, it even take me 8 hours to find something to eat.
One day when I was taking a snap, someone caught me.
Look, she got such beautiful feathers! she's must worth $200!Oh, filthy humans..
I was sold more than $200, in fact, $400, double the price.
I was put into a cage, where another bird lives.
She looked happy.
I want to get out, I hate
what are you doing? why not stay here? it's the best place in this world.She looked at me curiously.
Oh, Such a naive bird...
how do you know it's the best place?hmm.. because I got food I want, I got a secure cage protecting me from danger outside, and the most important, I got a master loving me and did a lot of things for me. I love him so much, I can never pay his love back.Poor bird, she may probably has been lied to by human for her entire life, she may probably never go out, did she ever fly into the sky? does she know the feeling? oh, the wonderful feeling...
There is much much more delicious food outside, and it's not always dangerous outside. You see the berry your master is eating everyday? that's called blueberry, have you ever tried?No.. I thought It's not edible for me.Of course it is! Human just keep the best for themselves. They tell you what the best is and you believe it. They tell you they did all the things for you and make you feel owing them.......I don't believe you, why should I believe you? Even they are true, you shouldn't tell me, I was happy, but now I only feel angry and I can do nothing!......
Maybe she is right, I shouldn't tell her, myself 2 years ago.